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Swiftech Apogee SKF Prestige CPU Waterblock, featuring the world's most advanced cooling engine
Swiftech Apogee SKF CPU Waterblock, featuring the world's most advanced cooling engine
Full cover waterblock for AMD Vega and Frontier reference boards; incl.: waterblock, lighting sytem controller, PWM extension cable, back-plate, pre-applied thermal pads, thermal grease, installation guide - Fittings not included
Full cover waterblock for Nvidia GTX 1080 Ti reference boards; incl.: waterblock, lighting sytem controller, PWM extension cable, back-plate, pre-applied thermal pads, thermal grease, installation guide - Fittings not included
Price: Starting at $19.95
Universal SLI/CrossFire Bridges for latest generations (2016 and later) Komodo waterblocks
Optional IRIS Lighting Kit for Komodo ECO Series.
Multi-function ALED light controller and FAN controller with PWM signal splitter.
Full cover waterblock for Nvidia GTX Titan X ("Pascal") and GTX 1080 Ti reference boards; incl.: waterblock, lighting sytem controller, PWM extension cable, back-plate, pre-applied thermal pads, thermal grease, installation guide - Fittings not included